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Why Serve?

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

Hello Community!

Manchester UMC is a church that strives to follow our scriptural calling to serve God by serving our neighbor. Putting our faith into action is a core value that we seek to live out by helping those who are vulnerable and struggling among us. This happens through a variety of missional programs and activities that we plan ourselves and/or partner with others in order to make a positive impact in our community.

Regardless of your age, ability, or experience, Manchester UMC hosts several on-going or short-term, on-site or off-site, and seasonal opportunities for you to put faith and love into action by becoming the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in our communities, nation, and world.  AND every one is welcome!  (You do not need to be a member of Manchester UMC to participate!)

There are many ways to put faith and love into action. When we help in ways that align with our abilities and interests, we unlock new potential and help to foster a more rewarding experience.  

Check out these mission opportunities and then complete the form below to let us know your interests.  There is no obligation to participate.

Hope to serve with you soon!

Liz Shuburte
Director of Missions

ways to serve

Manchester UMC offers a variety of seasonal, onsite, and offsite missions.


On-Site Missions

If you’re ready to jump into an opportunity to serve others at Manchester UMC, explore these on-site missional opportunities for any ages and stages of life:


Off-Site Missions

If you’re ready to jump into an opportunity to serve others in the greater St. Louis area or beyond, explore these off-site missional opportunities:


Seasonal Missions

If you’re ready to jump into a short-term opportunity to serve others, explore the seasonal missional opportunities that occur onsite and beyond our walls a few times a year.


Missions Events

Manchester UMC has some of the current mission opportunities in one place! View the calendar at any time to learn more about mission opportunities that are available now to sign up.

Are you interested in learning more about missions?

Please complete one form per person.

2023 Mission leaders

2023 Missions Team

The Missions Team provides strategic input and recommendations for the Missional efforts of Manchester United Methodist Church. It also helps to prioritize and allocate missions funds collected during the year through special offerings and gifts (e.g. Easter, Christmas, Communion, General Missions, etc.) to internal and external groups.

The Missions Team consists of nine congregational representatives who serve rotating 3-year terms. The Missions Team includes the Director of Missions, Social Justice Director, the Century 3 Service & Social Justice Strategists Team Leaders, and ex-officio members that serve with voice and vote. The group is co-chaired by the Director of Missions and a congregational representative.

Ali Fields, Ex-Officio Missions Team Member

Director of Social Justice
Ex-Officio of Missions Team Member

Ali and her partner, Steve, joined Manchester UMC in March 2012. Their sons, Wyatt (11) and Harrison (9), are Circle of Friends graduates and active in the children’s choirs. Her whole family loves to participate in the Vacation Bible School evening program.

Ali graduated with a degree in Theatre from California State University, Sacramento, then headed to Los Angeles to work at an outdoor repertory theatre. Three years later, Ali decided to shift her time and attention to law school, which brought her back to the Midwest. In law school, Ali interned at a district attorney’s office and worked on cases ranging from misdemeanor traffic violations to second-degree murder. After law school, she began her legal career as a civil litigator fighting for her injured clients.

Ali practiced law for several years, then shifted her time and attention to her growing family. During this time, Ali became more involved with ministries at the church (Children’s Ministry, VBS, Parents as Leaders, Sonshine Singers and small group leader).

In 2015 Ali entered recovery for a decades long struggle with an eating disorder. As she healed her relationship with food and her body, Ali began to channel her passion for advocacy and justice through her blog, Road to Recovered ( She started volunteering as an educator with the Missouri Eating Disorders Association (MOEDA). From 2018 to 2020, she served as the Education Coordinator for MOEDA and helped bring eating disorder education and awareness to schools throughout the St. Louis area. In 2019 Ali became a certified eating disorder recovery coach.

Through her extensive work in the eating disorder recovery field, Ali frequently observed the intersections of race, gender, ability, age, body size, sexual orientation and socio-economic status and how societal oppression lands upon the body. And how healing our relationship with our own body “impacts how we value and honor the bodies of others.” (Sonya Renee Taylor)

Ali is excited to channel her passion, experience and knowledge into her role as Director of Social Justice at Manchester UMC. Please reach out if you have ideas or questions.

John Heskett and his wife Jeanie have been members of Manchester UMC since 2001.  They have two adult children and are blessed with eight grandchildren.   John and Jeanie are retired educators who served in school districts and universities in central Missouri and St. Louis County.

Over the years John has served in various capacities at MUMC including terms on the Finance Committee, Missions Committee and Nominations Team.  He also has taught in Children’s Sunday School and is a leader in adult faith formation classes.

Two passions he brings to the Missions Team are Habitat for Humanity and Mozambique.  John is an avid bicyclist and has participated in fund raising bicycle rides with the MO-Hab Riders for Habitat for many years.  He has also participated in the Mozambique Ministry in partnership with others and has traveled to Mozambique on three occasions to support the availability of clean water and assist in the improvement of elementary education and health care in rural areas of the country.

Heather began attending Manchester UMC in 2010 as part of the youth group. After high school, Heather was an active member of the Young Adult Ministry, interning for 2 years within that ministry. In her time at MUMC, she has taken more classes than she can count and been part of many small groups, constantly trying to learn as much as possible. Most recently and notably, Heather was a member of the Young Adult/Demographics WIN Team, a group with the purpose of making the church a more welcoming place for young adults & young families.

In 2019, Heather was baptized in the Methodist Church at MUMC, and shortly thereafter, became a member of the Church. She is passionate about social justice, bringing young & diverse voices into the conversation, and challenging our thought processes, theology, and worldviews. 

Outside of church, Heather works as an oncology (cancer) nurse, rotating between night and day shifts. She loves to cook and eat lots of Korean cuisine, as well as plays video games, reads, and hangs with her cat. She can’t wait for pandemic to end so she can hang with friends again and travel the world!



Pastor's Note

Ascension Sunday

Dear Friends at Manchester UMC,      Unfortunately, the surrounding culture has taken some of Christianity’s best stuff. This reality is mostly for commercial gain. We don’t have to go too far into a Walgreens around Eastertime to discover a whole aisle devoted to Easter candy and stuffed bunnies. Christmas is even

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