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Food 4 Kids

Food 4 Kids ministry

Food 4 Kids Mission

For some school-age children who receive reduced/free lunches at school, the weekends can be a time of hungry bellies and food insecurity.  To help students get through the weekends with the food they need, Manchester UMC has partnered with the Parkway and St. Louis School Districts to provide students with backpacks filled with non-perishable food items every Friday.

Donate items to food 4 kids

Donate Food

Donate $


There is year-round need for non-perishable food items. Donation items in bulk packaging are especially welcomed.

The Food 4 Kids ministry is collecting the following items.

Items Needed Examples
Meats & Stews Canned chicken, beef stew, Dinty Moore Compleats, pop-top soup cans, Chef Boyardee cups
Breakfast Foods Cereal cups, Nutrigrain bars, granola bars, microwavable oatmeal cups, Pop Tarts, protein bars
Rice & Pasta Sides Macaroni and cheese cups, Ramen, microwavable rice cups
Fruits & Vegetables Apple sauce cups, fruit cups, microwavable vegetable cups
Snacks Individual packages of crackers and chips, fruit snacks, pudding cups

Food donations can be dropped off at two locations:

  • The Food 4 Kids collection bin located in the church lobby (outside of Fellowship Hall)
  • The blue barrel Food 4 Kids donation bin located in the lobby of the Historic Chapel.

Financial donations are greatly needed.  Click on the green “Donate Now” button below and please state Food 4 Kids in the optional memo box. 

All financial donations are tax deductible. We will use all donations to purchase food items for kids in the Parkway and St. Louis school districts.


In addition to donating food items, you can make a big difference by volunteering a little bit of your time.

Prepare and Fill Food Bags – Volunteers are needed to collect food from the collection bins, prepare the food for putting into the food bags, as well as fill food bags at Manchester United Methodist Church. Volunteers of all ages and abilities, as well as parents with young children, are welcome.

Due to limited space, there is a limit on the number of volunteers for each preparation, packing, and delivery activity. Volunteers must sign up ahead of time to participate. NO walk-ins will be allowed.

Prior to volunteering, individuals must:

  1. Sign up for each day and time they wish to volunteer. You are able to sign up in advance and for multiple shifts.
  2. Use hand sanitizer at the beginning of the shift and throughout.
  3. Not eat or drink in the work area.
  4. Sign in on the clipboard provided upon entering the work area.

Deliver Backpacks – Volunteers are needed to deliver the prepared food bags to the schools on Thursday mornings.

For questions or assistance, please email one of the Ministry Coordinators, Janis Thompson.



New Member Class Feedback

The purpose of this form is to let the new member class participants provide feedback on their recent experience. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this form! If questions, please email Tiffany Conway. Please complete one form per person:

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