Jesus taught that our spending priorities reflect what and whom we love. By putting God first we are making a loving investment in a better world, a “kin-dom” built around the Holy love of God.
Manchester UMC is enthusiastic about giving culture change. That is, moving to a common understanding of “Giving discipleship” as mutually inclusive terms and as a year-round way of being in connection with God and with one another as believers in the greatest mission ever gifted to humanity.
This year, we will complete our personal Discipleship Promise Card and, here’s what’s new, … we will not send it to the church office. We can post it, file it, or maybe even frame it! It’s a promise between each of us and God to set our giving priority. We’ll keep our promise close to our hearts.
The card will serve as a reminder of our connection, our thanks, and our praise, lifted in prayer as a private offering to our generous God.
After our Discipleship Promise Card is complete, we have three ways to give to the General Fund:
- Give on the website, where you can setup a recurring contribution. Recurring gifts make it simple and ensure uninterrupted ministry that is so important to our community.
- Text MUMC to 73256 and follow the prompts.
- Mail your check to the church office at 129 Woods Mill Road, Manchester, MO 63011. Please write “General fund” on the note line of your check.
Planning for God’s Work
The biblical model for our giving plan is for each of us to determine what percentage of our income we have been investing in God’s work through Manchester UMC. Then, prayerfully consider increasing that by one (or more) percent as we grow toward, and even beyond, a tithe (10%) of our income.
Going Above and Beyond (NEW)
Above & Beyond Gifts Making a Difference
We continue to be blessed by God’s generosity making possible much needed improvements to our church facilities. Our “Above & Beyond” giving through our Endowment and Capital Fund is leveraging the following special projects that support our mission and make a lasting difference for Christ by transforming church and community:

As we’re blessed, we can make gifts above-and-beyond our percentage gift or tithe to Debt Reduction and/or for the replacement of our aging Heating and Cooling system. Please note your designated above-and-beyond gift according to the giving prompts, or on the memo line of your check.
Our financial discipleship is part of our walk with Christ. Our giving helps make a way for God’s people to find God’s saving grace. Our giving is central to keeping Manchester UMC connected as a family and to communities in need.
Thank you for your generosity through Above & Beyond Financial Discipleship. For more information about Above and Beyond giving opportunities, please contact Pastor Phil Estes at [email protected] or by calling 636.394.7506. To learn more about our Endowment, contact Chairperson Rich Luze at [email protected].
Thank you for your generosity!