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Heather Kellenberger

Missions Team Member.

Heather began attending Manchester UMC in 2010 as part of the youth group. After high school, Heather was an active member of the Young Adult Ministry, interning for 2 years within that ministry. In her time at MUMC, she has taken more classes than she can count and been part of many small groups, constantly trying to learn as much as possible. Most recently and notably, Heather was a member of the Young Adult/Demographics WIN Team, a group with the purpose of making the church a more welcoming place for young adults & young families.

In 2019, Heather was baptized in the Methodist Church at MUMC, and shortly thereafter, became a member of the Church. She is passionate about social justice, bringing young & diverse voices into the conversation, and challenging our thought processes, theology, and worldviews. 

Outside of church, Heather works as an oncology (cancer) nurse, rotating between night and day shifts. She loves to cook and eat lots of Korean cuisine, as well as plays video games, reads, and hangs with her cat. She can’t wait for pandemic to end so she can hang with friends again and travel the world!



Fall Kick-off: Thank you

Thank You for Joining Us at Manchester UMC’s Fall Kick-Off!   We invite you to explore the many ways you can Love God and Love Neighbor with us. Get Involved   Explore our ministries and areas of interest, and let us help you find the perfect fit. Our team will

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A Big Table- You are what you eat

Rev. Ron Beaton, Sermon 8.19.24, “A Big Table- You are what you eat.” John 6:51-58 NRSVUE
“Following Jesus is not about individual spiritual growth alone. Growing as a Christian is individual spiritual growth and reaching out in love and service to the world. We cannot have one without the other. We must Love God and Love neighbor. We must be engaged in works of piety and works of mercy.”
“Be what you see, receive what you are. In other words, in this bread, see the body of Christ, receive the body of Christ,
Be the body of Christ,
Be the body of Christ that feeds the hungry.
Be the body of Christ that healed the sick.
Be the body of Christ that proclaimed release to the captives.
Be the body of Christ who cleaned nasty, calloused feet.
Be the body of Christ that welcomed little children into his arms and said this is who the kingdom of God belongs to.
Be the body of Christ that eats with outcasts and tax collectors and rabble-rousers and Samaritans and the poor and well, with anybody eat with anybody.”
Be the body of Christ.

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