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Adult Volunteer Opportunities for Manchester Youth

Our youth ministry is successful because of caring and dedicated adult volunteers.

There are SO many ways to get involved. Volunteers in all programs gather four times a school year for training and fellowship and receive ongoing support from the Director of Youth Ministries. Any adults who are expected to facilitate discussions are provided all needed materials well in advance of the day they are needed. No volunteers are expected to be expert theologians – they just need to enjoy the presence teenagers and have a desire to share Christ’s love with them.

All adults are required to be Safe Gatherings Certified, which can be completed from home and is completely online. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the 2024-25 Manchester Youth Program Registration. If you have questions, contact Beth Boemler.

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Upcoming Opportunities to Serve

Sunday Squad 9a – Middle School

(1x per month on Sunday mornings)

Adults serve from 8:50-10:10a. They interact with youth, participate in the games and discussion, and maintain safety and supervision. Optional: Adults may choose to be LEAD volunteers, which involves helping with set-up, clean-up, and overseeing program implementation.

Sunday Squad 9a – High School

(1x per month on Sunday mornings)

Adults serve from 8:50-10:30a. They interact with youth, participate in games and discussion, and maintain safety and supervision. Optional: Adults may choose to be LEAD volunteers, which involves helping with set-up, clean-up, and overseeing program implementation.

Sunday Squad 11a – Middle School

(1x per month on Sunday mornings)

Adults serve from 10:50a-12:10p. They interact with youth, participate in the games and discussion, and maintain safety and supervision. Optional: Adults may choose to be LEAD volunteers, which involves helping with set-up, clean-up, and overseeing program implementation.

Sunday Squad 11a – High School

(1x per month on Sunday mornings)

Adults serve from 10:50a-12:30p. They interact with youth, participate in the games and discussion, and maintain safety and supervision.

Middle School Meet-Up

(1x per month on Wednesday evenings)

Adults serve from 6:20-7:50p. They interact with youth, participate in the games and the interactive discussion, and maintain safety and supervision. Adults must be comfortable with higher energy levels and excitement! Optional: Adults may choose to be LEAD volunteers, which involves helping with set-up, clean-up, and overseeing program implementation.

Smells Like Teen Spirit

(1x per month on Wednesday evenings)

Adults serve from 6:20-8:10p. They facilitate deeper faith conversations, form meaningful relationships with high schoolers, and maintain safety and supervision. Optional: Adults may choose to be LEAD volunteers, which involves helping with set-up, clean-up, and making programmatic decisions.

Event Planning Leadership Team

(2x per month on Wednesday evenings)

Adults serve from 7:50-9:10p. They partner with the Director of Youth Ministries to help youth learn leadership skills and implement a church-wide fundraiser. Adults must be comfortable training and empowering teens but also be ready to gently step in when needed.

Marketality Leadership Team

(2x per month on Wednesday evenings)

Adults serve from 7:50-9:10p. They partner with the Director of Youth Ministries to help youth learn leadership skills, help them complete projects related to marketing, and facilitate actions of hospitality. Adults must be comfortable training and empowering teens but also be ready to gently step in when needed.


(2x per month – dates and times vary)

Adults must commit to the majority of the activities on the yearly schedule and plan to arrive 10 min early and stay 10 min late. Adults facilitate discussions, maintain safety and supervision, and gently guide youth through the process of Confirmation.

Queer Group

(1x per month on Sunday afternoons for 2 hours)

Adults must identify as queer or on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Adults must be comfortable welcoming and affirming queer or questioning middle and high schoolers, facilitating conversations about being Queer and Christian, and building relationships with youth. Optional: Adults may choose to be LEAD volunteers, which involves helping with set-up, clean-up, and overseeing program implementation.


(as needed – dates and times vary)

Substitutes will be contacted when a schedule adult is unable to be present. Adults can indicate what programs they are able and willing to serve in at the beginning of the year. Substitutes are expected to arrive 10 min early, stay 10 min late, and provide safety and supervision to youth.

Special Event Director

(1x per year or more if desired)

Special Event Directors will partner with Beth and other volunteers to plan and implement a monthly special event. This requires a minimum of two meetings before the event and then attending/helping implement the event itself. You can join the team of any event on the special events calendar.



Fall Kick-off: Thank you

Thank You for Joining Us at Manchester UMC’s Fall Kick-Off!   We invite you to explore the many ways you can Love God and Love Neighbor with us. Get Involved   Explore our ministries and areas of interest, and let us help you find the perfect fit. Our team will

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A Big Table- You are what you eat

Rev. Ron Beaton, Sermon 8.19.24, “A Big Table- You are what you eat.” John 6:51-58 NRSVUE
“Following Jesus is not about individual spiritual growth alone. Growing as a Christian is individual spiritual growth and reaching out in love and service to the world. We cannot have one without the other. We must Love God and Love neighbor. We must be engaged in works of piety and works of mercy.”
“Be what you see, receive what you are. In other words, in this bread, see the body of Christ, receive the body of Christ,
Be the body of Christ,
Be the body of Christ that feeds the hungry.
Be the body of Christ that healed the sick.
Be the body of Christ that proclaimed release to the captives.
Be the body of Christ who cleaned nasty, calloused feet.
Be the body of Christ that welcomed little children into his arms and said this is who the kingdom of God belongs to.
Be the body of Christ that eats with outcasts and tax collectors and rabble-rousers and Samaritans and the poor and well, with anybody eat with anybody.”
Be the body of Christ.

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