Bridge Bread is a social entrepreneurship initiative designed to provide job opportunities for homeless/formerly homeless individuals. The goal is to help disadvantaged and marginalized people engage in a financially rewarding effort that enhances self-worth, promotes dignity, and enables the guests to help themselves.
Manchester UMC sells Bridge Bread before and after worship services on Saturdays and Sundays, with all proceeds returning to the bakers to help provide them a safe place to live and a bus pass each month.
Help Sell Bridge Bread
Bridge Bread is sold in the lobby between Saturday evening and Sunday morning services at Manchester UMC.
Volunteers are needed to:
- Pick up goods from the Cherokee Street Bakery on Saturdays between 9 am and 11 am and deliver them to Manchester UMC before 3 pm on Saturdays.
- Sell bread at the Saturday 4p Chapel Service and Sunday morning worship services (8:30a to 12:15p) at Manchester UMC.
- Assist with sales at the Cherokee Street Bakery and Soulard’s Farmer Market venues.
- Contribute to off-site tasks such as managing timecards, social media, working the website, and more!
Support Bridge Bread
Order your baked goods directly from Bridge Bread! Additional items can be ordered ahead of time and picked up at Manchester UMC during worship times. Below is an easy ordering link:
Upcoming Bridge Bread Promotions
- Wednesday Community Dinners sells Bridge Bread cookies and brownies for only $1 each! Get them while supplies last!
Information about Bridge Bread
- So, You Think You Know Bridge Bread? Take the Quiz!
- This video was created by Bridge Bread’s banking partner, and gives an overview of how and why Bridge Bread came to be. Thank you, Busey Bank for your time and talent!
May 3, 2022 – KMOV segment on Bridge Bread: “Local bakery hiring homeless workers says attempts to find housing has hit roadblocks, asking city and landlords for help” View KMOV Bridge Bread segment
If you would like more information about Bridge Bread, you can contact the Ministry Coordinator, David Gill.