Meet a Connection Coach

Are you ready to get plugged in at Manchester UMC but not sure where to start?

Don’t worry…we are here to help!

Our team of Connection Coaches has been equipped with great tools, an in-depth knowledge of our ministries, and, most importantly, the gift of encouragement to help you discover the Next Step on your faith journey!

If you are interested in working with a Connection Coach, it’s as easy as 1,2,3…

Step #1 - Take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment

We believe that God has given you specific spiritual gifts and abilities to help people in our church, communities and world. Many people find it helpful to use a spiritual gifts discovery tool to affirm how God has gifted and shaped them to help others. With this in mind, we encourage you to take advantage of our new online Spiritual Gifts Discovery Assessment for valuable insights about your God-given talents.

This online tool takes about 10 minutes to complete. We strongly encourage you to print your results and bring to your Connection Coach appointment.

Note:   Answer each question to the best of your ability with the assurance that there is no right or wrong answer. A few of the assessment questions may include verbiage that is different than you typically experience at Manchester UMC.

step #2 - meet with a Connection coach

Please complete one form per person to meet with a Connection Coach.

Step #3 – Get Connected to Manchester UMC!

Once you and your Connection Coach have discussed and selected the ministries that best fit you and your spiritual gifts, we’ll connect you with those groups and/or their leaders so you can confidently take the Next Step on your faith journey at Manchester UMC! (You are not obligated to join the ministry.)

For assistance or questions, please contact Tiffany Conway.

Are you interested in being a Connection coach?

If you need assistance or have any questions about the Connection Coach ministry, then please contact Tiffany Conway.


Children's Musical
Children & Families

Registration for Children and Family Events

summer camp opportunities Scholarships are available for those experiencing financial hardships. Bonnie Halls Drama CampJune 9-13, 9a-3p Willy Wonka KIDSPerformance: June 13, 6pIncoming 2nd -8th Graders will embark on a fantastical journey filled with whimsy, creativity, and valuable life lessons alongside talented and caring adults. Campers will choose an on-stage

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