It seemed like every televised football game in the 1970s had a huge banner displayed in the stands near the end-zone with “John 3:16” emblazoned on it. Many times, the banner was the work of one man, Rollen Stewart, who traveled from town to town, seemingly just to unfurl his banner when the cameras pointed in his direction. Stewart, who had a tragic childhood, had a spiritual awakening while watching a televangelist and claimed to be “born again.” In addition to football games, Stewart displayed his banner at the Olympics, PGA events, and even the Indianapolis 500. His strategy seemed to be to get people curious about the John 3:16 reference, causing them to look up that verse in the Bible, and thus introducing them to God’s love.
Even as a young person with no particular spiritual interests, I wondered how many people moved from the couch during a particularly exciting football game to read John 3:16. Of course, John 3:16 is the most beloved verse in the Bible. If someone knows only one verse from memory, it is most likely this one: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have life everlasting.”
But John 3:16 is a part of a much longer and more complex story. On Sunday, we will be taking an in-depth look at this narrative. To get ready for worship on Sunday, read John 3:1-17. I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Worship will not be complete without you.