Ethan Massey currently lives in South City with his husband, Kurtis, and their two dogs, Bailey and Bella. He is an avid reader and when he is not relaxing with a good book, you will find him cheering on St. Louis CITY SC. They love to get out and spend time with friends whether that’s exploring the city or just hanging out.

Ethan has a B.S. from Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville in Applied Communications Studies with an emphasis in Public Relations. Currently, he is pursuing my M.A. in Applied Communications Studies with an emphasis in Organizational Communication. He has recently done research studies on mental health stressors in a work culture and their effect on employees as well as factors that lead to effective decision-making in an organization. Communication is what he loves to do in both work and in life.


Scott Hammon

Scott Hammon is the Facilities Maintenance Supervisor at Manchester UMC.  Scott started working at MUMC and learning our buildings on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Scott first started learning to repair and maintain church facilities when he was 10 years old and was the grandson of the preacher.

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David Gill

As a life-long Christian and native St. Louisan, David grew up in a Pentecostal church where he participated in music ministry from an early age. He enjoyed being involved in both choirs and Sunday School classes, singing his first solo in church at age 3. Throughout his life, David has

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Molly Henley

I grew up in a rural community in northeastern Missouri and moved to St. Louis after high school.  I have a degree in Financial Accounting Systems from Maryville University.  I also have a degree in Business Administration from St. Louis Community College-Meramec. In my free time, I enjoy reading mysteries

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