Why Give Online?

As Christians, we recognize everything we have comes from God, and we are simply sharing these gifts for the work of Manchester UMC. Through our financial offerings, we demonstrate in a tangible way our love for God and our neighbors.  All gifts are greatly appreciated!

It’s a personal preference; however, here are a few of the benefits we frequently hear:

  • Deciding to give faithfully in advance is a spiritual commitment.
  • It helps simplify life.
  • It’s weekly act of worship, even when you’re not at church.
  • It allows you to give consistently.
Give Now

Online giving is a convenient tool for folks who call Manchester UMC  home. If you are more comfortable giving to Manchester UMC, don’t worry, we just want to give you another option.

All information is secure and encrypted to protect you and your information.

2022 Disciple Promise

We’re doing things differently with online worship and ministry for all ages. We’re also doing financial discipleship differently. We are simplifying the process to make it part of our daily lives.

Check out these websites:


Worship at Manchester UMC this Christmas

Candlelight Christmas Eve Serivce.

Come Home for Christmas

Dec. 21: Longest Night – 7p, Chapel

Dec. 24: 

  • Children and Families – 3p, Sanctuary
  • Modern – 5p, Sanctuary
  • Traditional Service – 8p, Sanctuary
  • Lessons & Carols – 11p, Sanctuary