Scenic Arts

The mission of the Manchester UMC Drama Ministry is to open the hearts and minds of those we serve through the use of dramatic arts, so that they might hear, understand, and personally identify with the word of God.

join the scenic arts team

If you have ever enjoyed painting, building, or creating, consider joining the Scenic Arts Team. This team has fun providing everything from simple props to full scale sets. Creative artists and engineers, painters and builders are invited to join! 

Upcoming Projects include:

  • Sermon Series Backdrops (ongoing)
  • Bonnie Halls Drama Camp (June 24-28)
  • Vacation Bible School (July 8-12)

Scenic Arts Work Days

Anyone is welcome to attend, but signing up allows us to plan for the work days. If you have any questions, please reach out to Emily Pikaard.

* Children and Youth are welcome, but must be accompanied by an adult.



Annual Report 2024

Dear Manchester UMC Family,, As disciples of Christ, we are called to live out our faith in this world and share the love of Christ. At Manchester United Methodist Church we live out our faith through acts of Worship, Devotion, Justice, and Compassion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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