children and families ministry Growing together to Love God and Love Neighbor Manchester Children and Families is a welcoming, loving, and safe community of people who are growing their...
children and families ministry Growing together to Love God and Love Neighbor Manchester Children and Families is a welcoming, loving, and safe community of people who are growing their...
generosity Jesus taught that our spending priorities reflect what and whom we love. By putting God first we are making a loving investment in a better world, a “kin-dom”...
The Children's Choirs allow children to experience the joy of music and worship together as they serve in cultivating their talents in ministering to our congregation and the community...
Prayer & Comfort Our mission is to care. Manchester UMC has a number of ministries that offer care and support. From dealing with grief, divorce, or the loss of...
Manchester Youth Manchester Youth is a loving, fun, and inclusive community that equips students to make faith and life decisions by helping them grow in their understanding and relationship...
Welcome We extend God’s love and grace to ALL people. Therefore, as we journey toward a greater understanding of one another, we respect our human family’s diversity of age,...
Care Ministers for your support. Sometimes difficult life situations that come our way such as loss of a job, a serious illness, divorce, loss of a loved one, and...
129 Woods Mill Rd.
Manchester, MO 63011
Tel: 636-394-7506
© 2025 Manchester UMC