Friendship Class

Day: Two Sundays per Month: Dates are TBD
Time: 11:00 to Noon
Location: Room 219
Leader: Tracy Marak

Description:  Manchester UMC’s Friendship Class is a Sunday school program for members and visitors (high school – adulthood) with developmental delays. While the group is in session, parents of Friendship Class students can attend church on their own or have an hour of personal time here at the church. The group is conducted on an every other Sunday basis except during Aug., most of Dec., and over holiday weekends such as New Year’s, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving.

Volunteers:  If you are interested in helping with our Friendship Class, please complete the form below.

Please complete one form per person:

[ninja_form id=30]

For enrollment assistance, please contact Chessey Brenton.

See Also:



Annual Report 2024

Dear Manchester UMC Family,, As disciples of Christ, we are called to live out our faith in this world and share the love of Christ. At Manchester United Methodist Church we live out our faith through acts of Worship, Devotion, Justice, and Compassion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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