Tag: service

Missions - Onsite

Missions | On-Site

On-Site Missions Explore Missional Opportunities Manchester UMC is a church that strives to follow our scriptural calling to serve God by serving our neighbor. Putting

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MO Hab Group 43
missions - seasonal

Seasonal Missions

Manchester umc seasonal missions Seasonal Mission Opportunities Manchester UMC is a church that strives to follow our scriptural calling to serve God by serving our

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Missions | On-Site

On-Site Missions Explore Missional Opportunities Manchester UMC is a church that strives to follow our scriptural calling to serve God by serving our neighbor. Putting our faith into action...

Seasonal Missions

Manchester umc seasonal missions Seasonal Mission Opportunities Manchester UMC is a church that strives to follow our scriptural calling to serve God by serving our neighbor. Putting our faith...