Image Coming Soon

Julie Weitzel is the SonShine Singers Director at Manchester UMC.

Julie was a member of Manchester UMC’s Children’s Choirs when she was in elementary school and is currently a Spanish Teacher and choreographer at Eureka High School. Julie enjoys musical theater, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. She lives in Manchester with her second-grader, Elena.


Kevin McBeth

I joined the staff of Manchester United Methodist Church in 1995, after serving churches in Texas and Iowa.  As Director of Music and Worship Arts, I have the great privilege to lead this vital ministry, which includes nearly 500 children, youth and adults in all facets of Fine Arts:  music,

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John Cargile

I joined the MUMC staff as Organist/Music Associate in November of 2007. At MUMC I assist the Director of Music in many aspects of the music program; serve as Principal Organist and oversee our two associate organists; accompany both the Chancel and Coventry Choirs; and direct the Youth Choir CANTATE. I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to play

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