Donuts & Coffee Servers
Donuts & Coffee Servers
Set Up Shift: 8:20 to 10:20 a.m.
Clean Up Shift: 10:15 to 11:15 a.m.
Location: Lobby
Leader: Rev. Dr. Mary Beth Hartenstein
Description: One of the fun ways to get to know people at Manchester UMC is to hang out between services for a little conversation and Coffee & Donuts. Sunday mornings, between worship services in the Lobby.
The Donuts and Coffee ministry offers a selection of donuts, sometimes other baked goods, and regular and decaf coffee.
The Set Up Donuts & Coffee Team put out the donuts, make coffee, and serve. Then the Clean Up Donuts & Coffee Team finishes serving and then cleans up. The teams rotate weekends, so the time commitment is minimal. Everything is provided and training is provided. If interested in being a part of the Donuts & Coffee Team, please sign up below.
Newcomers are always welcome!