Habitat for Humanity

habitat for humanity st. louis

Building Homes, Building Hope, Building St. Louis

Habitat for Humanity St Louis (HFHSTL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating poverty housing in St. Louis city and county.  Selected homebuyers invest their time (350 sweat equity hours) into building and purchasing their own home (30-year mortgage). To learn more about home ownership, click here.

Manchester UMC has been building homes with Habitat for Humanity St Louis since 1997 and is recognized as a Keystone Community Partner.  Manchester UMC volunteers have worked alongside families on many of the 430+ Habitat for Humanity homes built in the city and county. 


Week Days

Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis now has a specific sign-up process for weekday volunteers.  As a result, Manchester UMC no longer has a “Wednesday” crew per se, but rather has individuals selecting their own work date with Habitat directly.  

With this sign-up method, individuals can see the location of the build site, the tasks and how many volunteers are needed throughout the week.  Often Manchester UMC members will contact each other and plan to sign up for the same day and site and then can carpool to the location.  

Please note that volunteers (except for ReStore volunteers) must attend a volunteer orientation before getting started. See the link for more information on how to get involved as an individual. There’s a lot of opportunities to help.  Check it out at:


2024 is going to be one of Habitat Saint Louis’s busier years and Manchester UMC’s help is needed.  This Spring, MO Hab riders and walkers will be raising funds for our local Habitat for Humanity. 

Manchester UMC has committed to having 10 volunteers to work on construction of homes. Those individuals ages 16 or older qualify.  Tools are provided and carpooling  is optional.

A limited number of volunteers (maximum of 10) are needed for each of the following work days:

  • Saturday, October 12
  • Saturday, November 9

Building projects Updates

Build Day — June 8, 2024

Our build day on June 8th was a successful one!

Home Dedication - June 2, 2024

Habitat for Humanity St. Louis invited Manchester UMC and friends to the dedication of 14 safe affordable Habitat homes at 706 Lookaway Court.  Homes tours and a celebration for the deserving families who purchased these homes they helped build. 

Thank you MO-Hab Riders and the volunteers who made this work of community possible!

Thank you to those who supported MO-Hab Ministry!

Manchester UMC and other supporters of MO-Hab recently donated $48,825.48 to Habitat for Humanity St. Louis.  The generosity of many will enable a working family to become homeowners.

The new homeowners put in 350 hours of sweat equity along with Habitat volunteers to build their home.  They are also required to attend classes on budgeting for their monthly mortgage payment, taxes, insurance and home maintenance.

MO-Hab participants pedal bikes, walk & run to raise funds for Habitat for Humanity St. Louis.  An annual gift of $25,000 is made in the spring from donations collected the previous year.  2021 was a phenomenal year as $35,000 was raised for Habitat.  Accumulated donations of $13,825 from 2015-2020 was added to this year’s gift.  

It is exciting that MUMC and MO-Hab supporters are able to help in such a big way this year, exactly when Habitat for Humanity St. Louis has a greater need.

Habitat for Humanity St. Louis is extremely grateful for the generous check of $48,825.48.  MO-Hab is extremely grateful for everyone’s support of their fund-raising efforts. Learn more about MO-Hab.

Building homes since 1997



Annual Report 2024

Dear Manchester UMC Family,, As disciples of Christ, we are called to live out our faith in this world and share the love of Christ. At Manchester United Methodist Church we live out our faith through acts of Worship, Devotion, Justice, and Compassion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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