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CONNECTION | Hospitality Groups

Hospitality Groups

Hospitality groups at Manchester UMC are a group of people who enjoy welcoming and helping others. 

Individuals are need your warmth and enthusiasm at Manchester UMC!  No experience needed.  All you need is your love to serve people with a warm smile and welcoming hospitality to those who walk through our doors at Manchester United Methodist Church. 

Newcomers are always welcome!  Let us know which group(s) you’d like to give a try and we’ll introduce you to the group leader who will help you get connected!

interested in being a part of the Hospitality team?

Please complete one form per person:

For more information or assistance finding a group, please email Tiffany Conway.



Fall Kick-off: Thank you

Thank You for Joining Us at Manchester UMC’s Fall Kick-Off!   We invite you to explore the many ways you can Love God and Love Neighbor with us. Get Involved   Explore our ministries and areas of interest, and let us help you find the perfect fit. Our team will

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A Big Table- You are what you eat

Rev. Ron Beaton, Sermon 8.19.24, “A Big Table- You are what you eat.” John 6:51-58 NRSVUE
“Following Jesus is not about individual spiritual growth alone. Growing as a Christian is individual spiritual growth and reaching out in love and service to the world. We cannot have one without the other. We must Love God and Love neighbor. We must be engaged in works of piety and works of mercy.”
“Be what you see, receive what you are. In other words, in this bread, see the body of Christ, receive the body of Christ,
Be the body of Christ,
Be the body of Christ that feeds the hungry.
Be the body of Christ that healed the sick.
Be the body of Christ that proclaimed release to the captives.
Be the body of Christ who cleaned nasty, calloused feet.
Be the body of Christ that welcomed little children into his arms and said this is who the kingdom of God belongs to.
Be the body of Christ that eats with outcasts and tax collectors and rabble-rousers and Samaritans and the poor and well, with anybody eat with anybody.”
Be the body of Christ.

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"I really like serving the donuts & coffee because I am meeting a lot of new and fun people at Manchester UMC!"
Polly Ruh


Donuts & Coffee

One of the fun ways to get to know people at Manchester UMC is to hang out between services for a little conversation and Coffee & Donuts. Sunday mornings, between worship services in they Lobby.

The Donuts and Coffee ministry offers a selection of donuts, sometimes other baked goods, and regular and decaf coffee.

The Set Up Donuts & Coffee Team put out the donuts, make coffee, and serve.  Then the Clean Up Donuts & Coffee Team finishes serving and then cleans up. The teams rotate weekends, so the time commitment is minimal. Everything is provided and training is provided. If interested in being a part of the Donuts & Coffee Team, please sign up below.

Newcomers are always welcome!



Day: 2nd Monday Each Month
Time: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Location:  Room 141
Leader: Dorothy Wilkes

The Hospitality ministry of Manchester UMC is an active group of adults that meet on the second Monday of each month. 

The Hospitality ministry provides food and beverages for special occasions and funerals.  The group members also enjoy fellowship and welcome new members.

Hospitality has some upcoming events and need assistance.  No experience needed!



Information Center

If you enjoy welcoming and helping others, we need your warmth and enthusiasm at the Information Center on Sunday mornings! You do not need to know all of the answers. All you need is your love to serve people with a warm smile and welcoming hospitality to those who walk through our doors at Manchester UMC.

No experience needed! Easy resources to help answer any potential questions will be provided.

Flexible shifts, so you are able to attend worship or meet with your Sunday morning group. 

Come serve at the Information Center with us and help welcome new people to Manchester UMC!