John Himpel

Missions Team Member: 2020-2023.

John has been a member at Manchester UMC since 1975. He has served on almost every board and committee at MUMC. Among his accomplishments are:

a) helping to start the youth mission trips to the Hinton Rural Life Center
b) helping to found the MUMC Emergency Response Team
c) founding the mission trips to the Midwest Mission Distribution Center (an UMCOR affiliate)
d) becoming the ministry leader for MUMC Apple Butter Days

He is most proud of the mission trip to Russia along with his wife Lois which resulting in the adoption of their three children.



Annual Report 2024

Dear Manchester UMC Family,, As disciples of Christ, we are called to live out our faith in this world and share the love of Christ. At Manchester United Methodist Church we live out our faith through acts of Worship, Devotion, Justice, and Compassion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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