Weekend Serving Roles

There are so many ways you can get involved and help others at Manchester UMC. Our weekend services provide a wide-range of serving opportunities for all ages, abilities, schedules and preferences.

We are always looking for smiling faces to serve in a variety of roles – both during worship times or during the week: Help us offer a warm Manchester UMC welcome to our guests by serving with any of the following teams:

Communion Attendants
Saturdays 4p | 1st Sundays 9a or 11a
Join the Communion Team and aid in setting up and preparing the communion elements. Flexible shifts are available. For more information, please email Becky Strickland.

Welcome Team
Saturdays 4p | Sundays 9a OR 11a
The Welcome Team welcomes and assists people as they come into our building on Sunday mornings to attend worship or classes. Flexible shifts are available. Sign up to serve here. If you are interested in this ministry, please email Becky Strickland.

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Donuts & Coffee Team
One of the fun ways to get to know people at Manchester UMC is to hang out between services for a little conversation and Coffee & Donuts. Sunday mornings, between both the 9a and 11a worship services, individuals gather in Fellowship Hall. Flexible shifts are available. Learn more

Children's Sunday School

Children’s Ministry
Whether interested in becoming a Sunday school lead teacher, Sunday school assistant teacher, Welcome Desk leader, PRAYground helper or another role, there’s a place for you to serve. Flexible shifts are available.
Learn more

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Lay Readers
Saturdays 4p | Sundays 9a or 11a
If you like public speaking, consider becoming a part of the Lay Reader Team. Lay Readers participate in Saturday and Sunday services by reading Scripture and other components of the worship service. For more information, please email Becky Strickland.

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Modern Worship Team
Sundays 9a Worship
If you sing or play a musical instrument and enjoy modern Christian music, consider becoming a part of the Modern Worship Team. To learn more, please email Austin Shariff.

AV/Production Team
Saturdays 4p | Sundays 9a or 11a
If interested in working behind the scenes, consider joining the AV Team to help during services by running slides, moderating Facebook, as well as working with cameras, lights and audio. No experience is necessary! Please contact Brandon Still to learn more.

Nursery & Childcare
If you like holding babies or helping with toddlers, consider joining our Childcare Team. Flexible shifts. Learn more

Worship Arts
Children through senior adults are invited to participate in the Worship Arts Ministry. You may join at any point during the year. The Music Program includes choirs, ensembles, hand bells and other instrumentalists. For more information, please email Becky Strickland.

If you’d like help in choosing a serving opportunity, please contact Becky Strickland.


Missions - Offsite

Mozambique Ministry

Mozambique Ministry Transforming Lives Through Faith and Service Transforming Lives Through Faith and Service The Mozambique Ministry of Manchester UMC began in the early 2000s with a simple yet profound mission: to fund a well for a small village in Mozambique. For the first time, women and children no longer

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