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Pathway of Discipleship

Manchester UMC is followers of Jesus seeking to Love God and Love Neighbor. We are a church with more than enough room for everyone. We invite you to come worship with us. 

Love God.

Love Neighbor.

Rule of Discipleship:


To witness Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings through acts of Compassion, Justice, Worship, and Devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

 Works of Piety (Loving God) are the practices and habits that form us to “love God with our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Like works of Mercy, we believe that there is a public way to love God and a personal way. We call the public way acts of Worship, and the private way acts of Devotion.

Works of Mercy (Loving Neighbor) are the ways that Jesus taught us to love those whom Jesus, or the ways that we strive to “love our neighbors as ourselves.” We believe that there is a public way to love neighbor and a private way. We call the public way acts of Justice and the private way acts of Compassion.


Acts of worship are the ways we grow in love of God together. Through baptism we are incorporated into the body of Christ. Worship is the heartbeat of that body. We worship through singing with one another, taking Holy Communion, giving of finances, reciting the creeds, and praying the Lord’s Prayer.

Manchester UMC Members in Worship

Worship Services

We invite everyone to our table. Come as you are. Manchester UMC offers diverse and engaging worship featuring relevant and inspiring sermons, music, prayer, and other moving elements. We invite you to come as you are and worship together in a service that you are most comfortable with.

Worship Arts

Manchester United Methodist Church has a long-standing history of music and the worship arts. There are opportunities for artists of all ages and experiences.


Manchester United Methodist Church has a long standing history of music and the worship arts. There are ensemble opportunities for musicians of all ages and experiences.

Modern Worship

In Modern Worship, we worship using contemporary language and teaching, modern music styles, with various art and media to tell the story of God in fresh and engaging ways that captivate our hearts and build up the Body of Christ.


Acts of devotion are personal ways we seek to love God more. They often take the form of spiritual disciplines like regular prayer, fasting, learning, reading devotions, studying the scriptures, spiritual development, and taking care of our bodies.

Children and Families

Children & Family

Manchester UMC offers many ways for the children of God and their families to grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible as they experience God with each other. Our staff and dedicated volunteers are called to make sure our children and families always feel welcome, safe and cared for by adults who model God’s love. We invite you to join us as we play and work each week to grow deeper in our learning together.


Manchester Youth is a loving, fun, and inclusive community that equips students to make faith and life decisions by helping them grow in their understanding and relationship with God and others.

Adult Faith Formation

Manchester UMC’s Adult Faith Formation Program provides opportunities to know God more deeply through intentional faith development and connection to community. Whether you are seeking to study and learn about your faith, or are searching for authentic community in which to know and be known, we have options for you.

Circle of Friends

We Partner with Parents to Develop Children Who Are Well-Rounded We surround every child with support and encouragement so they can develop the skills they'll need to succeed in life.


Acts of Justice are the public way we love our neighbor. An example might be Jesus telling us to feed the hungry. But justice goes beyond feeding those who are hungry. Doing justice is asking why people are hungry and then to organize and act to address the causes of our neighbor’s hunger

Social Justice

The Mission of the Social Justice ministry is to do good, seek justice, and correct oppression through awareness, education and action; one person, one connection at a time. We envision a community where all creation is valued with dignity and worth. As an expression of love, we embrace the values of diversity, compassion, integrity, humility, and hope.

LGBTQ+ Family Support Group

Family members can experience a range of emotions when they learn a loved one is part of the LGBTQ+ community. This ministry is a faith-based welcoming, confidential, and non-sectarian safe forum for LGBTQ+ persons and their relatives and friends. We receive education, peacefully advocate, and share insights, comfort, and encouragement.

Racial Justice

Racial Justice

The Racial Justice Ministry is forming a racial justice leadership team. Together, this team will work to create racial justice awareness, acceptance and understanding with our congregation through classes, speakers, and activities. This group will also work with other churches and organizations in promoting racial justice..

Gun Violence Prevention

Our team will explore gun violence as a public health crisis and work to spread awareness and education on how to reduce gun violence in our community.


Acts of compassion are personal works of mercy. They are what you do when a neighbor is in need. If someone is hungry, you share your food. When someone is lonely, you give them a visit. When someone’s loved one dies, you go and comfort them. When someone is a stranger in the congregation or your home you extend hospitality.

Stephen Ministry

Congregational Care

Manchester UMC has a number of ministries that offer care and support. From dealing with grief, divorce, or the loss of a job, to providing a prayer shawl, we’re here to help.


Prayer is an important part of caring form ones neighbor. Wether it be praying or knitting a prayer shawl, you can find a place to reach out to show someone they are loved.


Serving Our Community and Beyond Discover how Manchester United Methodist Church lives out our scriptural calling to serve God by serving our neighbors. Through diverse missional programs and partnerships, we aim to positively impact our community. Explore Ongoing and Short-term Mission Opportunities

agency Partners

Manchester UMC has a longstanding relationship with several charity partner, including ones that were started right here such as Bridge Bread.

Invite with Intention


“ ‘Come,’ he replied, ‘and you will see.’ So they went and saw where he was staying, and they spent that day with him. It was about four in the afternoon.

Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (that is, the Christ).”

Making disciples of Jesus involves intentionally inviting others to join us in this journey. Jesus did not coerce others to be disciples. Rather, he invited others to “come and see” what God was up to. Together, we must intentionally invite others to “come and see” what God is up to at Manchester UMC through acts of worship, devotion, justice, and compassion.




Pathway of Discipleship Manchester UMC is followers of Jesus seeking to Love God and Love Neighbor. We are a church with more than enough room for everyone. We invite you to come worship with us.  Love God. Love Neighbor. Rule of Discipleship:   To witness Jesus Christ in the world

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