Sunday School & Nursery Registration for 2024-2025
Step 1: Complete Registration Form
For Children 6 Weeks to 2 Year Olds:
The nursery is open on Sunday mornings during the 9 and 11a worship services. Nursery care is available for:
- Infants who are 6 weeks to 18 months old
- Toddlers who are 18 months old and turning two by August 1
- Two-year-olds who turn two by August 1
- Three-year-olds through 2nd Graders when Sunday School is not available.
To register your child for the nursery (2024 – Aug 2025), please register below:
For Children 2 Year Olds to 5th Grade:
Sunday school is a place for ALL children to learn the story of God’s love, connect their own experiences to the Biblical stories, and to find a place to belong. Our Sunday school team presents fun and engaging age appropriate curriculum for our 2 year old – 5th grade classes.
Our Sunday school team is excited to welcome back friends ages 2 years old – 5th grade to our lower level Children’s Area for Sunday school during the 9a worship service.
To register your child(ren) for Sunday School (2024 – August 2025), please register below:
Step 2: Complete Consent Form
Helpful Information: (HINT: Click on the blue letters/words below and you will be taken to these links.)
- Family Worship Weekends, when Sunday School will NOT be available.
- Sunday morning information
- Nursery information
- Latest News and Information from Manchester UMC
- Are you interested in helping in the nursery or Sunday School? Please email Emily Pikaard.