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what we believe

We Are Manchester UMC Sermon Image 4 × 4
mission & vision

We are called to be an inclusive community of people who love Christ deeply, worship him passionately, and serve him boldly. We are called to make a difference for Christ by transforming church and community.


God is Love

We believe that God is love. God is the creator of the universe and source of all that is good. God opens our eyes to a world of mystery, miracle, and meaning.


Son of God

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, our Lord and Savior, known to us intimately in his life, death, and resurrection, by whose example we know how to live and love.

Holy Spirit

Breath of the Divine

We believe that God’s Holy Spirit is the breath of the divine, present with us in every circumstance, active in the redemptive process, calling us to follow her lead and inspiring us with compassion, creativity, and boldness.

The Church

Body of Christ

We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, a community of people called to heal a broken and hurting world, and to be a community in which justice is proclaimed and lives are transformed.

The Bible


We believe in grace-filled, Spirit-led faith formation that is grounded in Scripture and informed by tradition, reason, and experience. We share our diverse scriptural perspectives and interpretations in community as we move together toward a deeper understanding of who God is and who God calls us to be.


Saved by Grace

We believe that we are saved from sin by grace, which is at work in us even before we are aware of it. Grace enables us to realize our need of God and draws us ever closer to the divine. Through our practices of discipleship, we cooperate with God’s grace in a life-long process of salvation. Wesleyan theology describes these various expressions of grace with the terms prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace.)

The Sacraments

Baptism & Holy Communion

Baptism and Holy Communion are each means of grace, conduits through which God reaches out to us. Baptism initiates and incorporates the individual into the community, and is available to all ages, from infant to adult. Communion is the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, a remembrance of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and an anticipation of the heavenly banquet, and is open to all persons.

Christian Living

Our Vows

Though we live our discipleship in unique ways, there is a common framework comprised of our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Together we live the liturgy of life, the collective work of the people. The community participates in a rhythm, an ordo of daily, weekly, and yearly cycles, including worship, faith formation, works of mercy and justice, high holy days, and Sabbath as a sacred rest.



Fall Kick-off: Thank you

Thank You for Joining Us at Manchester UMC’s Fall Kick-Off!   We invite you to explore the many ways you can Love God and Love Neighbor with us. Get Involved   Explore our ministries and areas of interest, and let us help you find the perfect fit. Our team will

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A Big Table- You are what you eat

Rev. Ron Beaton, Sermon 8.19.24, “A Big Table- You are what you eat.” John 6:51-58 NRSVUE
“Following Jesus is not about individual spiritual growth alone. Growing as a Christian is individual spiritual growth and reaching out in love and service to the world. We cannot have one without the other. We must Love God and Love neighbor. We must be engaged in works of piety and works of mercy.”
“Be what you see, receive what you are. In other words, in this bread, see the body of Christ, receive the body of Christ,
Be the body of Christ,
Be the body of Christ that feeds the hungry.
Be the body of Christ that healed the sick.
Be the body of Christ that proclaimed release to the captives.
Be the body of Christ who cleaned nasty, calloused feet.
Be the body of Christ that welcomed little children into his arms and said this is who the kingdom of God belongs to.
Be the body of Christ that eats with outcasts and tax collectors and rabble-rousers and Samaritans and the poor and well, with anybody eat with anybody.”
Be the body of Christ.

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