CONNECTION | Fellowship Groups

FEllowship Groups

Fellowship groups at Manchester UMC are a group of people who gather to promote connection and community around a shared set of interests. Most Fellowship Groups gather on a regular frequency for dinner, movies, museum visits or other fun activity.

Newcomers are always welcome!  Let us know which group(s) you’d like to give a try and we’ll introduce you to the group leader and help you get connected!

Register for a Fellowship Group

Start A New Fellowship or Hospitality Group

If you like people and having fun, you have all the skills necessary to start a new fellowship group. Beginning your new Fellowship Group is easy! Just let us know you’re interested along with a few other key details and we’ll help you spread the word and recruit new members. No prior experience necessary

For more information or assistance finding a group, please email Tiffany Conway.


Worship Arts


Experience the Advent season at Manchester UMC! Christmas is a time to celebrate, connect, and ‘Come Home for Christmas.’ All are welcome to share in the love and spirit of the holidays. Holy Week Services Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 17 | 7p | Sanctuary Good Friday Friday, April 18 |

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Children & Families

Summer Programs

Summer at Manchester UMC Discover a summer of connection, growth, and fun at Manchester United Methodist Church! Our vibrant summer programs are designed to engage people of all ages and interests, offering opportunities to deepen your faith, build community, and create lasting memories. Summer Program Calendar Forms and Documents summer

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Evening Book Club 43


Evening Book Group

Day: See Dates Below
Time:  7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Location: Fireside Rm | Manchester UMC
Leader: Emily Stiegemeyer

Description:  The Evening Book Group enjoys reading and discussing a book per month.

Upcoming Books:

  • February 26 – End of the Story by A.J. Finn
  • March 26* – The Measure by Nikki Erlick
  • April 30* – The Women’s March: A Novel of the 1913 Women’s Suffrage Procession by Jennifer Chiaverini
  • May 28 – The Women by Kristin Hannah
  • June 25 – The Wedding People by the Author / The Storyteller by David Grohi
  • July 30 – All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker
  • August 27 – The Bishop and The Butterfly by Michael Wolraich
  • September 24 – James by Percival Everett
  • October 29 – Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Please register below so the discussion questions can be emailed to participants in advance.   


Forever Young

Leader: Dorothy Wilkes

Forever Young is an active group of adults that share monthly dinners at church or a local restaurant. This group enjoys fellowship, as well as traveling together.

Upcoming Event:

Newcomers always welcome!


Ladies Bridge

Date: Weds, Sept. 11, 2024 thru May 7, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Fellowship Hall (Sept. 11 and May 7 only) | Manchester UMC
Leaders: Connie Lowry & Loretta Trower

Description: Please join us for bridge and fellowship. The kick-off will be held in Fellowship Hall on Wed, Sept. 11 at 9 a.m.

The Ladies Marathon Bridge group participants play at members’ homes once a month, October through April, except December.

The year end celebration will be held Wed, May 7, 2025 at 9 a.m. at Manchester UMC.

Teams are now established.  If anyone is interested in being a sub or would like to play next year, please email Connie Lowry or Loretta Trower.


Lydia Circle

1st Thursday 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Location:  Fellowship Hall | Manchester UMC
Leaders:  Billie Coon, Marilyn Wooden

Description:  Lydia Circle is a group of women who meet to celebrate their desire to serve Christ by caring for others, social justice, prayers, fellowship, Bible study, health and fitness and enhancing our spirituality through a monthly program addressing these areas.

Join Lydia Circle as they welcome different speakers each month:

  • Sept. 5 – “Getting to Know You: Rev. Ron Beaton” our new pastor
  • Oct. 3 – “The Stained Glass Windows at Manchester UMC” presented by Dave Gnaegy
  • Nov. 7 – “How to Use Realm” presented by Tiffany Conway, Director of Discipleship
  • Dec. 5 – “Getting to Know You: Austin Shariff” Director of Modern Worship as he shares music with a catered lunch.
  • Jan. 9 – Canceled due to inclement weather
  • Feb. 6 –  “Getting to Know You: Lisa Melton and Mary Pettit” Lisa is the Manchester UMC Receptionist and coordinates Children & Youth ministries.  Mary Pettit is the Director of Administration. “The Angels Around Us Everyday” presented by Susan Woodard
  • Mar. 6 – “Manchester UMC’s Mission in Mozambique” presented by John Heskett
  • Apr. 3 – “Fashion and Design” presented by Connie Simpson
  • May 1 – “Fanny Crosby”  Barbara Kay will be in character and present the life of Fanny Crosby, an American mission worker, poet, lyricist and composer.  A catered lunch will be provided.

Lydia Circle is open to all women with an occasional meeting which might interest men as well. Newcomers are always welcome!


Tat & Chat

Date: 1st Saturdays of Month
Time: 9:30 a.m. to Noon
Location: Room 222 | North Entrance Entry
Leader: Vicki Samuels

Description:  Gather with others for fellowship and to work on tatting projects and/or learn how to needle tat. Newcomers and beginners are welcome!

Tatting is a technique for handcrafting lace from a series of knots and loops. Tatting can be used to make lace edging as well as doilies, collars, accessories such as earrings and necklaces, and other decorative pieces.

Learn how to needle tat and make a small tatted project in the class.

Beginners may purchase the tatting kit for $12.

Childcare available with advance registration.


Senior Social Drop in

Date: 3rd Thursday of Month
Time: 9:00 a.m. to Noon
Location: Youth Center | North Entrance Entry
Leader: Sue Copeland

Description: Come join the Senior Social Drop-In group and bring a friend!  It’s a good time to meet other seniors.  We play games (Mexican Train, Rummykube, cards, etc.) or would love to play a game you bring.  Enjoy snacks and wonderful conversations.  It’s a casual drop-in so come as you are!

Click Here to sign up to volunteer

Please register below to let us know you are interested in attending the Senior Social Drop In!


United Methodist Men

Date: 3rd Sundays of Month
Time: 12:15 to 2:00 p.m. 
Location: Room 221 | Manchester UMC
Leader: John Klos

Description:  The Manchester United Methodist Men (UMM) ministry group is open to all men.  UMM provides community service to Manchester UMC and the community.  Each month this group meets to discuss items to help the community.

Each year, UMM organizes, plans and implements the Manchester Christmas Tree Lot.  The funds generated from the Christmas Tree Lot are distributed to many agencies and ministries.  UMM also sponsors the Advent/Lenten Breakfast, the Youth’s Night at the Bistro and special events.

Newcomers are always welcome!